Custom Made Earmoulds

Custom Made Earmoulds

Custom made earmoulds are often needed to ensure optimum performance and comfort for a select number of Behind-the-ear Hearing aid wearers.
Earmoulds styles include: Canal earmoulds, Full shell earmoulds, Skeleton earmoulds, Semi-skeleton earmoulds and Half-shell earmoulds

Custom Made Swim Plugs

Custom made swim plugs provide a solution to both adults and children who are prone to ear infections also those who have grommets, perforated eardrums or sensitive ears.
They are designed to seal the ear and prevent water from entering the ear canal, keeping them dry and protected.
Custom swim plugs are moulded from individual impressions, are comfortable to wear, hygienic and are re-usable over a number of years

Custom Made Noise Plugs / Musicians Earplugs

An Earmould impression is taken of the ear and custom designed earplugs with an acoustic filter ( Depending on the needs of the client) are manufactured to offer real protection.
Suitable for professional musicians, concertgoers, bartenders, club employees, industrial employees, lawnmower users, etc.

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